About Susan
I believe a soul is a beautiful thing to have, and a terrible thing to waste. Many of us are wasting our souls by giving them away, a byte at a time, to our screens. Let’s stop doing that, together.
If you want to thrive and need help identifying life-sucking digital habits, I’m your girl.
I also help nonprofits, as a consultant, in their missions to help people thrive.
If you want the official bio…
I’m a long-time, trusted writer on topics of faith, culture, and digital wellness. With a degree from Williams College, continuing education at Gordon-Theological Seminary, and twenty years of working with faith-based clients, I offer seasoned perspective and unique insights. Today my writing and speaking are mainly focused on digital health and its intersection with faith. My writing has been featured in Christianity Today, Joyful Life Magazine, For Every Mom, and other places around the web. Most recently I presented at the Digital Wellness Education Summit in September 2021, was featured in the Wall Street Journal’s “12 Ways to Tame Family’s Screen Time in 2022,” and appeared in January 2022 on the Simply Sabbath podcast.
I’ve traveled the globe for the past dozen years but now live in my native New England on three acres with my husband, four teenagers, Greek mountain dog, and twelve chickens.
Check out my:
Insights and how-to’s about our screen-driven world and how to flourish in it.
My strategy consulting and writing offerings for faith-based nonprofits.
Free digital wellness goodies - curated lists, lockscreens, how-tos, and more.